When I was twelve, I met a girl
With cherry smiles and chocolate curls.
She filled my world with butterflies,
I tingled when I caught her eyes;
And never did my lips once part
To tell her what was in my heart.
I kept my words locked deep within,
And shared them with a passing wind.
It whispered in a soft reply.
The answer that it gave:
“Love rewards the brave, my child,
Love rewards the brave.”
Rivers later, oceans crossed,
I sat and cried, completely lost
Between the bedding and the door,
Half-naked on a wooden floor.
Between thin twirls of frankincense,
I contemplated my defense;
While asking in my heart, now scarred:
“Why does it have to be so hard?”
It whispered in a soft reply.
The answer that it gave:
“Love rewards the brave, my child,
Love rewards the brave.”
The traffic home, the evening news,
Two flights of stairs, the summer blues;
The same-old, same-old way to move -
It’s hard to fight against that groove.
A day goes by, a month, a year,
I dream my soulmate will appear,
And everything will be just fine:
I’ll find her without even trying.
A wind flies by in soft reply.
The answer that it gave:
“Love rewards the brave, my child,
Love rewards the brave.”
The photo is by Adam Kontor, pexels.com